Each of us loves free traffic coming to our sites. Whether we're maintaining blogs, content sites with AdSense, or online stores, more traffic means higher revenue. If you have been using the search engine optimization strategies I've shown you in the past, you're already building momentum in the organic ranks.
Today, I'm going to explain a slightly different approach to generating free traffic to your online properties. I'll show you how to tap into the public's insatiable hunger regarding current events and describe creative stopwatch How To Generate Free Traffic By Tapping Into Current Events ways for maximizing its traffic potential. Chances are, you're not fully leveraging this strategy yet. Let's change that.
Where To Uncover Current Event Ideas
Your first step is to gather a few resources that will deliver a constant stream of current event ideas. Google Trends is one of the best. It is updated every minute and provides a bird's eye view of most popular phrases people are using to search. Yahoo Buzz is another good resource, though it is updated a bit less frequently.
Because Twitter has become such a powerhouse traffic magnet lately, their Twitter Search is a valuable tool for mining current events. You'll need to put a little more effort into it than you would for Google Trends or Yahoo Buzz. But, with millions of members who visit daily, you'll uncover popular topics that would otherwise remain hidden.
Planting Search Engine Seeds
Now that you have an ongoing stream of current event ideas, you can quickly gain traction for popular keywords in Google and Yahoo. Google's current ranking algorithm allows pages targeting popular phrases to climb the organic rankings quickly. While they haven't admitted it publicly, it's reasonable to assume the data from Google Trends is an influence on what they consider "popular."
How To Generate Free Traffic By Tapping Into Current Events This is an opportunity to expand your search engine coverage. Create new pages or blog posts that target popular keywords.
For example, as of today, Google Trends reports that the phrase "American Idol voting controversy" has picked up steam. If you maintain a music-related blog, create a new post specifically targeting that phrase.
There is always a mountain of free search engine traffic generated from people searching for news about celebrities, sporting events, politicians, and similar topics. This is a way to tap into that traffic and cast your net wide.
Tapping into current events in order to generate search engine traffic is a powerful free internet marketing strategy. But, leveraging it properly takes effort. The good news is that this type of traffic exists perpetually.