Generate Website Traffic - Learn How to Generate Website Traffic With Current Events

Each of us loves free traffic coming to our sites. Whether we're maintaining blogs, content sites with AdSense, or online stores, more traffic means higher revenue. If you have been using the search engine optimization strategies I've shown you in the past, you're already building momentum in the organic ranks.

Today, I'm going to explain a slightly different approach to generating free traffic to your online properties. I'll show you how to tap into the public's insatiable hunger regarding current events and describe creative stopwatch How To Generate Free Traffic By Tapping Into Current Events ways for maximizing its traffic potential. Chances are, you're not fully leveraging this strategy yet. Let's change that.
Where To Uncover Current Event Ideas

Your first step is to gather a few resources that will deliver a constant stream of current event ideas. Google Trends is one of the best. It is updated every minute and provides a bird's eye view of most popular phrases people are using to search. Yahoo Buzz is another good resource, though it is updated a bit less frequently.

Because Twitter has become such a powerhouse traffic magnet lately, their Twitter Search is a valuable tool for mining current events. You'll need to put a little more effort into it than you would for Google Trends or Yahoo Buzz. But, with millions of members who visit daily, you'll uncover popular topics that would otherwise remain hidden.

Planting Search Engine Seeds

Now that you have an ongoing stream of current event ideas, you can quickly gain traction for popular keywords in Google and Yahoo. Google's current ranking algorithm allows pages targeting popular phrases to climb the organic rankings quickly. While they haven't admitted it publicly, it's reasonable to assume the data from Google Trends is an influence on what they consider "popular."

How To Generate Free Traffic By Tapping Into Current Events This is an opportunity to expand your search engine coverage. Create new pages or blog posts that target popular keywords.

For example, as of today, Google Trends reports that the phrase "American Idol voting controversy" has picked up steam. If you maintain a music-related blog, create a new post specifically targeting that phrase.

There is always a mountain of free search engine traffic generated from people searching for news about celebrities, sporting events, politicians, and similar topics. This is a way to tap into that traffic and cast your net wide.

Tapping into current events in order to generate search engine traffic is a powerful free internet marketing strategy. But, leveraging it properly takes effort. The good news is that this type of traffic exists perpetually.

Teaching Generosity With Current Events

Teaching generosity in your character education class this month? It can be as simple as asking small children to share their toys. It can be as complex as lecturing on the difference between largesse and openhandedness. Teaching generosity becomes easier and more interesting when you use stories from the day's news. In fact, character education teachers who want to inject reality when teaching generosity will find current events a valuable tool.

Teaching Generosity Synonyms

Teaching generosity synonyms can be a constructive beginning to your character education effort if care is taken to define terms. Many words on the lists we use when teaching generosity synonyms are not truly the same as the character trait.

Look at this list of twenty-five synonyms and see if you can determine which ones mean the same as the character trait.

  • abundance
  • affluence
  • altruism
  • beneficence
  • benevolence
  • bigness
  • bounty
  • charitableness
  • charity
  • free giving
  • goodnes
  • heart
  • high-mindedness
  • hospitality
  • kindness
  • largesse
  • love
  • magnanimity
  • munificence
  • nobleness
  • openhandedness
  • philanthropy
  • prodigality
  • readiness
  • unselfishness

The Character Trait Defined

This is a character trait that works from an understanding of true good, proactively doing for others things that are beneficial, even when it demands personal sacrifice on the part of the person exercising the trait.

Current Events Examples

Current events are filled with examples.

Today's news reports that the head of a well-known charity pocketed a salary of one million dollars while watching his charity close its doors. Such a story shines a spotlight on the negative of stinginess. Even little children will understand. One man was so greedy that he let many others suffer while he lived well. He refused to make personal sacrifice. Instead, he closed the doors on a charity that was helping others.

Another negative story from today's news is the revelation that while North Koreans starve, their leader sends his men to Europe on regular shopping sprees. Those shopping sprees are not for food to help his nation, but rather to purchase luxury cars, gold-plated weapons, expensive furniture, and the finest food available for the leader himself.

Need more? A positive story that will help educators who are teaching generosity is that of the woman offering her community free horseback riding. Her horse farm regularly charges sixty-five dollars an hour for the privilege, but on Wednesday evenings, everyone rides free. On Wednesday evenings, the woman who owns the farm sacrifices her income for the good of those who cannot afford the simple pleasure of a relaxing ride.


Teaching generosity this month in character education class? Read your newspaper, watch TV news, or search the Internet for current events. They will make your lesson relevant and memorable.

Making Money With Current Events

In a world of almost seven billion people, "current events" happen all the time. Sometimes they happen so quickly it's impossible to try to take advantage of it and monetize it. But if you can stay in the money-making mind-set when you're reading or watching the news, you could easily grab a new stream of passive income.

For example, Iran is in the news this week because they are testing their missiles. North Korea was in the news last year for doing the same thing. If you happened to run a blog about missiles or North Korea last year, you probably substantial boost of traffic for a couple weeks. The same should be true today if you have a website about missiles and / or Iran. But that traffic will probably be short-lived (ask the guy who runs the missile / North Korea blog), so it might be better to "capture" a current event.

What do I mean by "capture" an event? For example, the legendary George Carlin died last month. If I was a huge fan of George Carlin's (which I am), I could register (which is available at the time of this writing) and put together a bunch of videos and pictures to remember him. A cynic might say you're trying to make money from his death, but that's just cynical because you wouldn't be exploiting his death. Even though more people will be using the keyword "memorial" when they search for George Carlin.

That is just one example. Another would be, say, the Iraq war. If you were to land the domain name right when the news broke, you could probably retire today.

Even though big things happen every day, you can't usually build an entire blog around that event. When you capture an event, it has to be big and you have to do it quick. Otherwise you wont get the key domain name, or that event will soon me forgotten by the world.

Keywords and Current Events

It was on August 23, 2010 when an incident happened in Quirino Grandstand in Luneta Park. Eight Hong Kong tourists were killed in a tragic hostage crisis. The hostage taker, Rolando Mendoza, a dismissed Police Inspector was also killed during the incident.

After the bloody hostage-taking incident, the Hong Kong government has released a travel advisory informing their citizens to refrain from going to the Philippines.

Like other nationalities, the Filipinos also felt bad with what happened. It was the day were all Filipinos mourned and President Aquino has declared Aug. 25 as day of national mourning for the victims of Monday's bloody hostage-taking incident.

The incident has caused a huge trouble especially for all Filipino workers who are employed in Hong Kong. As I was talking to my friend, who works in Hong Kong, yesterday, she said, although nothing has changed with the way her employer treats her, however, she can feel that somehow there seems to be a tension between Filipinos and Hong Kong nationals.

On that same day, August 23, the social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social network sites were flooded with discussions about the hostage drama. If you search the internet, the most popular keyword was "Quirino Grandstand." Even on blog sites, bloggers were talking the same topic and have used the same keywords for that same topic.

I know it is really important for bloggers to post the most recent event which has made an impact globally. It is the best time for them to have more readers to visit on their website. Well, mine is a bit late. That's fine, though. But for a person who makes money on blogs or writing articles online, it is important for him to have the freshest information before everyone else could post it online.

But then, not all newly posted articles about an event could attract visitors. You have to remember, it is not only you who is into blogging. So, the traffic that your will post will create all depend on the keywords that you will use on your article; keywords that people would mostly type on the search bar. More often than not, it is best to use other keywords that are unique for your article or blog post.

Unique keywords also help build traffic for your website. However, these unique keywords should not replace the mostly used keywords that other writers would use for their blog post or article. One thing that I like about using this unique keyword thing is that my articles or blog posts sometimes appear on a search result which is not related to the topic that a person is looking for. There is nothing wrong with that. You don't have any control over that. But it adds traffic on my site if they will click on it and I find it interesting. Don't get me wrong. I don't do it on purpose.

So, therefore, keywords are important as the content of the article. They help build traffic for your website or blog. They also help other people to locate useful and informative articles on the internet.

Before I forget, congratulations to Ms. Philippines Venus Raj, 4th runner-up, for a job well done in the recently concluded Miss Universe 2010 in Las Vegas.

A Simple Answer For Citizens Or Christians Upset by Current Events - The Call to Action

Contentment based on ignorance may allow for peace, but when we awaken to the facts, inner peace is no longer possible unless we act upon those facts. How's your inner peace doing today? Don't be upset by current events, you have the power to reclaim your peace. The question is, are you willing?

There is a great revival building in the United States. We live in a very active time politically and spiritually. Great change is on the way, the question is, what change?

Grass Roots Evidence of Revival

Evidence of revival is twofold; the number of citizens who are speaking out with passion rather than continuing to just passively listen, and the number of Christians who are beginning to listen passionately rather than simply speaking idle words.

Is there a still small voice telling you to attend a town hall meeting, join a group, write a letter or open your Bible? If so, do it. That's the simple answer to inner peace.

Our government and our churches have been doing unto us, resulting in a rise of discontent in both homes and pews. The tide will only turn if The People make it so. I don't advocate any one strategy or policy; my only message today is to The People, who have both the power and responsibility to govern themselves.

Citizenship infers active status, requiring participation. It is not an honorary title bestowed at birth. Are you outraged when you hear the day's news, or do you sigh in resignation? In either case, without action, you aren't deserving of your title of citizen.

Change Requires Action

The majority of our citizens, according to every poll, believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. What change will return the United States to prosperity of both economy and national vision? The change you make.

You must pay attention to the voice within you, whether it is a constant drumbeat or barely audible. Whether the voice is your conscience or the Holy Spirit, don't just listen; it is your call to action.

The enemy of freedom is apathy. Our founders knew we would get the government we deserve. History has proven them right once again. Let's deserve better.

Do you feel guilt or shame when you see a United States soldier deployed, wounded, or returned to our soil only to be buried under it? If you are ignoring the voice within, then guilt and shame are entirely appropriate emotions. Embrace them, they are your choice.

Peace, whether national or personal, requires commitment. Stand up. Speak up. Whatever that voice asks you to do, do it.

Current Events Today - Paid Speaking Engagements Tomorrow

Current events are (among other things) the makings of relevant speeches. Some events end with the headlines. Depending on the lives involved, lives affected and someone's willingness to share their experience with others, speaking and writing careers are born.

Take today.....

Today in Los Angeles, there begins, a colossal undertaking of de-constructing/repairing a bridge over the very major 405 freeway shutting down a 10-mile segment of the freeway that will affect at least 5 additional freeways and millions travelling in cars. The PR campaign makes an effort to caution people to shop locally and stay off the freeways and "get to know your community." Imagine the personal stories that will develop by the time it re-opens on Monday morning. Mark my words...someone with a significant story to tell will emerge from this. The Santa Monica, UCLA Medical Center has three helicopter companies on standby to transport patients and human organs in the event of emergency operations requiring extra medical supplies and personnel. True to LA's penchant for drama, it's already being called,"Carmageddon."

Frank Abagnale had no idea at age 16 when he ran away from home that his survival methods would become the bestseller, Catch Me If You Can and later the movie starring Leonardo de Caprio who wasn't even born when all this happened. Aron Ralston had no idea when he dashed out to go hiking that he would end up having to cut off his right arm to save his life. Out of that event, he wrote his bestselling book, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, and that turned into the movie just released, 127 Hours. The Navajo Code Talkers (WWII) received no recognition until the project was declassified in 1968 and although recognition came to them through President Clinton and the movie, Windtalkers, I don't know if there are descendents who are speaking about that now, but there should be!

The Los Angeles Times this morning reviewed the debut of the new movie, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Author Lisa See's bestselling book by the same name was a great read about two young Chinese girls in the early 1800s who were paired as laotong - the formal name for such arranged friendships between girls. It follows them through their arranged marriages, forced separations, foot-binding, class differences and cultural uprisings. Throughout it all, they stay in touch by sending messages written in nu shu, the secret language of women, written by them on the folds of a fan.

What has happened in your culture and family that can be told in a way that is both entertaining and benefit driven? On the other hand, what research might you be doing now to investigate something that has affected the lives of others that can be told by you from the stage?

Today in Dallas, Texas, it is the second day of the impressive 4-day eWomenNetwork's International Conference & Business Expo featuring 36 (mostly women) speakers that are deserving of such a large audience. If you're not there now, make plans to attend next year. As an emerging speaker, this is a stage you'll want to be on in the future.

Current Events About Internet Radio

In 1998, President Bill Clinton passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, DMCA, was signed into law. It was signed to keep up with the changes of digital media innovations, and it protects copyrighted material that is accessible on the Internet. How does this law affect Internet radio? It limits radio stations online from copyright infringement and streaming music without paying royalties and licensing fees. This law created a lot of controversy between traditional and radio stations on the Internet. In recent news, the controversy is shedding light again in Congress.

President Obama is now discussing royalty laws with Congress about traditional radio. In the current DMCA law, only radio online has to pay a royalty to performers in addition to the songwriter. They have to pay publishing and performance royalties. Currently, traditional stations only pay the publishing royalty which is paid to the songwriter and not the singer. Recent headlines in the news now report that the Obama administration is endorsing that radio stations must now pay performance royalties as well.

Record labels and recording artists miss out on money and recognition that is respectably theirs. Internet stations and other countries in the world pay the royalties to performers for their hard work to create amazing music and performances. Traditional radio stations in the United States are one of the only institutions that do not pay a royalty to the performer. The DMCA is unfair, and recording artists feel as if they are not being protected under the current copyright law.

Once again there is controversy between broadcasters, radio stations, and artists. A lot of famous musicians whose music is played on Internet Radio and traditional radio have been to Capitol Hill to support the passing of new copyright laws for traditional radio. Broadcasters believe that by passing the new royalty law jobs will be lost and record labels outside of the United States will gain high profits. The National Broadcasters Association believes they should not have to pay the royalty that Internet radio pays because by playing a band's music they are encouraging listeners to buy their albums.

It is still unclear whether or not this issue will be brought into legislation this year or not. The Obama administration is simply stating that they endorse the performance royalties. Radio stations on the Internet and traditional radio play the same music and it is unfair that the Internet has to pay an additional fee. There should be fairness across the board and musicians should be able to collect for their talents.

Current Events For Teens

It is a widespread belief that teenagers are more interested in things and activities that are related to computer and mobile phones than on the every-day issues surrounding them. In a recent survey conducted by Harvard University, researchers established that a majority of teenagers are not attentive to general news programs. Although the sample size is small (only 1800 samples), the study confirms what people have long suspected. Teens are more interested in gizmos like latest mobile phones and iPods and internet socializing networks like Orkut and Facebook and instant messaging tools.

Most of them are blissfully unaware of the current situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. For most of them, Vietnam is the place where Sylvester Stallone was tortured in the first half of the Hollywood blockbuster, First Blood. About 60% of the teens participated in the study indicated that they are not interested in serious newspaper stories. But there are plenty of television programs and newspaper features intended for teens. Even on the internet, there are specialized websites that consider teenagers as their target audience. Let us consider some of the television programs and websites intended for children that provide both information and entertainment.

ABC News 4 Kids is a program aired on ABC Channel on every Tuesday and Thursday. In this program, news stories are presented in an interactive manner with the aid of animations. CNNfyi dot com provides study materials to students. The objective of this venture is to create awareness about current events among students. This website also provides a useful reference list comprising books, periodicals, and links to other websites. The famous Venderbilt Television News Archive, which has been recording news broadcasts of major television channels, namely ABC, CBS, and NBC, from 1968, is available on the internet also. Here abstracts of each day's bulletin are provided in an easy to search manner.

Brain Bowl is an interactive game based on current events. It is created by an organization called Learning Network and it is updated daily. The game is made interesting with several modes such as one-player mode, two-player mode, and kid-versus-parent mode. NewsCurrents is another website that encourages teenagers for several information-gathering activities. An organization called Knowledge Unlimited is running this website. The website also contains useful links for gathering information about current events.

But despite all these valuable items and a number of informative programs in channels like Discovery, National Geographic, and Animal Planet, most of the teenagers prefer to watch sports broadcasts on television channels and spend most of their time between social networking and chatting on the internet. It has been a trend that a majority of the teenagers do not know (or care) about things outside their academic field. One possible exception is perhaps the new models and functions of mobile phones. But it is a blessing that most of them are very good in their chosen field of study.

Applying the Classics to Modern Events

Many of the plays of long ago were written as political statements that were designed to appeal directly to the masses and depict current events in a sort of parody of events that were actually taking place. Interestingly, these productions continue to be applicable to the events of today's world in so many ways. When one looks at Tartuffe by Moliere, one has to think of Osama bin Laden and his hypocritical religious fervor. Lysistrata, by Aristophanes, depicts mass protests. And, George Bernard Shaw's, Major Barbara is idealism at its best.

Osama as Tartuffe has an agenda that is neither rational nor based on any existing rational manifesto and it certainly has nothing to do with any accepted faith as the nation of Islam has projected it. Much like Tartuffe, bin Laden has sandbagged many people into believing that his religious fervor is rational. He draws believers with his assertions that he is truly religious. It could be that Tartuffe was Moliere's warning across the ages to be on guard against those that are overzealous about religion, and of those who are overzealous in presenting themselves as pious individuals. "Cleante questions Tartuffe by asking, "But if this noble and religious zeal, is quite as perfect as you'd have us feel, How is it that it waited to appear, till you were caught embracing Madame here". Moliere accomplishes two objectives by these particular words, first he shows that Tartuffe is only pretending to be a pious individual, that when he is alone, or thinks he is alone, with Orgon's wife he immediately makes a play for her which a truly righteous individual would never do, and secondly he shows that Cleante realizes what is really happening, because he knows how a truly righteous individual would act in that situation, and that Tartuffe is not doing so. A wise world questions Osama bin Laden the same as Moliere questioned Tartuffe's motives.

Lysistrata, written by Aristophanes more than 2,000 years ago, is about a woman who grows tired of the constant warring of men. She gathers other women who decide to take action by withholding what they feel men desire most. Relating Lysistrata to current events certainly invites the whole "sex as power" theme, but that seems to simplistic. Although one could also compare Lysistrata to modern-day feminists, they are better compared to any group or groups of individuals who protest or try to effect change together. Certainly, one could compare Lysistrata's adventures to those of the 1970's. But they are also applied to the current issues that surround the world's inability to get along; a West vs. East type of struggle, just as above with Tartuffe and Osama bin Laden. It's amazing how classical productions remain pertinent even two thousand years after they were written; or, at least, their message does. Lysistrata and her cohorts protest, they realize success, and they celebrate. Doubtless, the coming together of the global community would elicit a similar reaction. However, Aristophanes used a little tongue-in-cheek freedom in his writing of the plot. Women withholding sex from their warring men would end battling communities just about as effectively as a sit in would negate the struggles between the developed Western world and the resistant Eastern realm. It's just not that easy. Still the lesson is clear. Everyone has an innate power to end war, struggle, or any other undesired behavior or state, be those individuals men, women, group, or nation. The humor that Aristophanes uses merely makes the message easier to stomach. In today's world, the message is less about feminism, power, and control, than working together as a group to achieve social change. Lysistrata's protests are against a war that is unnecessary, just as the struggles between the United States and its allies and the nations of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden have become. The comparisons between both of these fruitless struggles are hard to ignore. There is no doubt that Lysistrata would elicit a discussion about the needless of war, especially in today's world of globalization.

Major Barbara, the most recent of the works, written by George Bernard Shaw, and first produced in 1905, depicts the apparent incompatibility between those who do good and those who do evil. Major Barbara of the Salvation Army wonders how an organization such as the one she advocates can warrant accepting funding from organizations such as that which her father represents; a gun manufacturer. Morality and its relation to the immoral comes into question as highlighted by Shaw. In today's world, business, war, and social institutions continue to be intertwined and the association continues to be somewhat stunning and questionable. How do you warrant social services paid for by a gun manufacturer? How do you reconcile war, good, bad, and society? Should capitalism exist as a funding source for salvation? Shaw's play is an ideological exploration of such conflicts. But, can idealism be set aside in favor of the pursuit of better things? Again, related to the drama taking place on the world stage, it's hard to ignore the comparison that can be made between Shaw's play and the conflict created by terrorism as perpetrated by misplaced religious fervor, resistance, and a desire for vindication and control. As the United States and her allies move into the Middle East in an effort to reform the governments of those countries, they have also attempted to provide aid. One has to remember the aid drops that took place near the beginning of the conflict when the U.S. dropped care packages from the air. As these packages floated to the ground, the people who they were meant to aid must have been wary at best and terrified at worst. There is a certain irony in one's invader providing aid.

The lessons of Moliere's Tartuffe, Aristophanes' Lysistrata, and Shaw's Major Barbara, although they were created in different ages, display the reality of time. Essentially, the years may change, but the issues remain relatively static. Right or wrong, good and bad, and comedy and reality, continue to be completely relevant regardless of what year a great playwright creates the work. Perhaps it is this relevance that makes such plays as Tartuffe, Lysistrata, and the brief Major Barbara remain so popular among theater goers, actors, and college courses!

Write About Current Events and Anniversaries to Sell Books

Writers of nonfiction books know that writing about something in the media or about to be in the media is a good way to sell books on topics of current interest. However, the problem is predicting what people will be interested in-you can't always foresee a war, a tragic event, a new trend in society until it happens, and by the time you write a book about it, the trend has passed and your book is out too late.

How do you as an author overcome this problem? By figuring out what will interest people in the near future from looking at what interested them in the past. In other words, pick a significant future anniversary of an event-fifty years, one hundred years, etc.-and write a book about it. Then when the anniversary celebrations of that event take place, making people curious to learn more about it, your book will be there to fulfill that interest.

Since we don't have a crystal ball, we can use a pseudo-time machine to go back to the past and resurrect what previously interested people (or just Google past events). It may or may not always be easy to guess what past events will make headlines with their anniversaries, but here are some guidelines for choosing an event to write about, depending upon your and your audience's interests:

  • What are you interested in? If you love history, there should be no absence of anniversary events to write about, but you don't have to be a lover of history to write a book on an event or topic celebrating a major anniversary.

For example, maybe you are a stand-up comedian who also wants to write a book. August 6, 2011 was Lucille Ball's 100th birthday. Had you thought about it a couple of years earlier, you could have written a book about Lucille Ball which would be ready to sell when her legions of fans had their interest in her piqued again by her birthday. In the process, as a stand-up comic, Ball might be a fascinating person to write about because it would give you insight into one of history's all-time greatest comedians and inspire your own comedy routines. When I looked at Amazon, I found eleven books on Lucille Ball printed in 2010 and 2011-a sign that several people thought to take advantage of her upcoming birthday.

What if you're interested in recovery issues? How about a book on the 100th anniversary of prohibition (coming in 2019)? If you're interested in literature, find a major author or book celebrating its 100th birthday, and if you like movies, find a significant film celebrating its 50th birthday. Just find an event you can adapt to your interests and you're ready to go.

  1. What will readers be interested in? The answer to that question is easy. Any anniversary event is going to interest people. Of course, you want to choose what will interest the most people. A book on the Battle of New Orleans may not be as interesting to as many people as a book encompassing the entire War of 1812. Writing the biography of a fairly obscure American author who may have been popular in his day won't work as well as a biography about an author who is still a household name. Look at how well Mark Twain's autobiography, recently published on the 100th anniversary of his death in 2010, sold-the first print run sold out within a few weeks.
  2. Who are your readers? In writing anniversary books, your readers will probably not be the younger generation, people under twenty-five who are too young to have experienced a famous event that is old enough to have a significant anniversary. That said, it depends on the anniversary you are talking about. In a few weeks, the ten-year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks will occur. The event was so significant that I imagine many books about it will sell well and even readers who were children of maybe eight or nine, just barely old enough to understand the events and who are in college now, could have interest in such a topic. While one hundred year anniversary events may seem like a sure thing, they do not reflect your readers' life experiences, but a fifty year anniversary event could be something senior citizens flock to read because they lived through that event and love to reminisce, while their children and grandchildren might be interested to read more about the world in which their parents or grandparents grew up.
  3. How much research will you have to do? A serious biography of an American president or a history book on a battle might take a lot of work. But what if you wanted to write a book celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of your favorite childhood cartoon-you could do a lot of research, but you also could have a lot of fun with the topic by finding people to interview who want to talk about what Bugs Bunny (turns 75 in 2015) or Bart Simpson (turns 25 in 2014) meant to them as children so your readers come away with understanding the event or subject's cultural significance. At the same time, nostalgia and reminiscing is always fun.
  4. How much time do you have to write the book? You want to find a topic you have time to write about before the anniversary occurs. For example, it's too late to write about anything having an anniversary in 2011-even the fastest writers will have a hard time writing and printing a book before the end of the year. Even 2012 is pushing it in some ways, and it won't help your sales if your book comes out a year or even just a few months after the anniversary, so look at events whose anniversaries are a couple of years down the road to give you time to do the work needed.

Here are a few suggestions for events that will soon celebrate anniversaries. Some of them may be coming up too soon, but they might still give you ideas for possible topics:


  • The War of 1812 - 200th anniversary
  • Charles Dickens - 200th birthday
  • Sinking of the Titanic - 100th anniversary
  • Girl Scouts - 100th anniversary
  • Tiger Stadium and Fenway Park open - 100th anniversary
  • Perry Como, Studs Terkel, Danny Thomas - 100th birthday


  • President Kennedy's assassination - 50th anniversary
  • Stravinsky ballet "The Rite of Spring" premieres - 100th anniversary
  • The zipper is invented - 100th anniversary (Does that sound silly? How about a book on how the zipper revolutionized clothing and fashion?)
  • Camel cigarettes are introduced - 100th anniversary
  • Willa Cather's classic novel "O Pioneers" is published - 100th anniversary
  • Richard Nixon, Rosa Parks, and Lloyd Bridges - 100th birthday


  • World War I - 100th anniversary
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall - 25th anniversary
  • Civil Rights Act - 50th anniversary
  • U.S. Coinage - 50th anniversary of no longer using silver in coins (coin collecting is a huge hobby)
  • Charlie Chaplin makes his film debut - 100th anniversary
  • Mother's Day - 100th anniversary
  • Babe Ruth makes his major league debut - 100th anniversary


  • The Battle of New Orleans - 200th anniversary
  • Novelist Anthony Trollope - 200th birthday
  • The U.S. Civil War ends - 150th anniversary
  • The Lusitania sinks - 100th anniversary
  • Zero Mostel, Billie Holiday, Orson Welles, Ingrid Bergmann - 100th birthday

With a little research and searching online, you can easily find lists of famous events, inventions, and people that will give you plenty of fodder to write an "anniversary" book that will be ready to sell when people are ready to commemorate a historic event or celebrate a historic birthday. History is waiting for you to preserve it for the future, and you'll be ready to give your readers what they don't even know they want yet.

Do You Ever Feel Like Your Not Up on Current Events?

While flipping through channels last night at around 1:00 or so in the morning, I stumbled across this channel called Current TV. It is based on the social website in which users submitted content and then vote on it and the winners a placed on the TV channel to appear.

Example of a News Story found on

Why should you watch Current tv?

I think this is a great site for people to go to or watch on TV to stay up on everything that is current in the world. It has all subject categorizes, and gives the user what they want to learn or watch about, and not what the media wants you to know!

I feel like sometimes I try to stay up on current trends and events that are going on in the world, but major news channels and sites tend to give us content that is in the channels best interest and not the user or viewer!

Current. com gives the user the chance to provide the content and vote, just like the website

Taken from the website this is what they are all about.

Current is about what's going on in your world: all the things you and your friends are actually interested in -- that you won't find on any other news site or cable TV channel. is the place to find and share stories and videos that are interesting to you. It connects to Current TV, a global cable and satellite TV network.

Where to find Current TV?


DirectTV             Channel 358

Dish Network     Channel 196


Comcast            Channel 107

ATT-U-verse       Channel 189

Time Warner      Check Local Listing

How do you stay up to date with current events, do you use Google, CNN, or local news station to get your content?

Scientific Current Events Support Bible Prophecy, End of Times 2009?

When God got ready to liberate Israel from Egypt, He attacked the gods of Egypt-the Nile, cattle and frogs. Money is our god--it has to go, and it's going! But first we should anticipate the earthquake of Revelation 8:5. It precedes economic collapse represented by "all green grass was burnt up" in Revelation 8:7. We saw above that grass translates as economy because, "as the flower of the grass, so also shall the rich man fade," James 1:9-11, seen best in King James V.

Be not day is with the Lord as 1000 years...the day of the Lord will come," 2 Pet 3:8-10. God gives man six days to do all his work, Exod 20: 9. After 6000 years, time is up, but God if God doesn't want us ignorant, how can we know when 6,000 years are up?"May 5, 2000: the date that Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up with the sun and moon-the first time in 6000 years." TIME Magazine, 1-17-2000, European Edition.

Science says planets and sun lined up 6,000 years ago, but the Bible gives meaning to the event.. When God made the world in six days, He rested the 7th day and cultures world-wide observe a 7-day week from antiquity. The 4th Commandment reflects on creation in six days and says, "Six days shall you labor and do all your work." Exodus 20:9. But that's not all. Speaking of "the day of judgment" the Bible says...

"Beloved, be not ignorant. One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. God is not slack...the day of the Lord will come." 2 Peter 3:8-10. "The day of the Lord" is the apocalypse, and after 6,000 years (because God made the world in six days and there is no other reason why the solar system should be in alignment "the first time in 6,000 years."

You may be wondering why that alignment in 2000 is relevant now. In the Bible, the sun, moon and stars made obeisance to Joseph, but it made no sense until after seven years of plenty when his brothers bowed to him in a time of famine. Our alignment seemed of little importance until, after 7 years, the housing woes began in 2007, followed by the subprime crisis in 2008. We are getting into a deeper crisis. Krisis is the Greek word for judgment in Revelation.

Economists predict another tipping point for economy in March, 2009. 2009? God asked Ezekiel to lie on his side for 390 days--a day for each year that Israel disobeyed, Ezekiel 4:5,6. But God also said, If you don't learn your lesson, I will punish you seven times over, Lev 6:18,21,24 7 x 390 years = 2730 years. Israel's captivity began in 722 BC. It should end in 2009 because there was no year "0." (Google Assyrian Captivity of Israel, Wikipedia). 2009 promises to be more than we expect.

"Of the times and seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write, for you know perfectly, the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, when they shall say 'Peace and safety,' sudden destruction comes...but you are all children of the light [and "know perfectly the times and seasons"]. 1Thess 5:1-6. In a previous article we saw clues to "know perfectly" pointing to 2nd Passover, and the pope comes May 11, at the appointed time.

But first some background. Christ's warning in Matthew 24:15 was understood by early believers as referring to Rome. When Cestius brought the Romans, Christians fled and were spared the siege by Titus a few years later. The Roman Empire fell, but the Holy Roman Empire emerged, and in a first-ever visit by a pope, John Paul went to Jerusalem in 2000. Since then, Jerusalem has been "compassed with armies" of Palestinians and others hostile to Israel, a sign that "the desolation thereof is nigh," Luke 21:20.

When Titus sieged Jerusalem, Herod's Temple burned on the 10th day of the 5th Jewish month according to Josephus, the same date Solomon's Temple burned nearly 700 years earlier, Jeremiah 52:12,13. This year the 10th day of the 5th month is August 2. Calamity on that date may seem like a coincidence, but it would have biblical significance that begs further understanding,

A Current Event - Abortion - A Word For President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court, and America

Hey President Barack Obama, the U.S. Supreme Court, and America:

Abortion is murder. There are no two ways about it. It is simply and plainly murder. It is the taking of human life with no lawful justification. For I assure you that the U.S. Supreme Court's judgment (Roe versus Wade) that abortion is "in alignment to the Constitutional", and therefore "legal" will mean nothing on that day we stand before God.

Mr. President, you signed an executive order reinstating federal funds for the promotion of murder. This sir is murder.

Now tell me sir, how can you expect to sow murder on one hand and receive God's blessing on another? Or do you think you can lead this great nation without His aide? Especially knowing all the while that murder is contrary to Him. For He is a God of justice and life. Yes, the judgment of death is fitting for those worthy by God's law of execution, but the most innocent of persons, the unborn, or new born child, how is it that they are guilty of the death penalty? One example of those worth of the judgment of execution by law is our own Supreme Court Justices who pollute God's law and call the murder of the innocent acceptable and "legal". Yes, to this point they have escaped judgment, but they will have their day before God Almighty, and if they do not cry out for the hope of the gospel in repentance, and admit their sin, and turn from their error, they will never see His kingdom, but eternal judgment will be their lot, as it will be the lot of all who love wickedness.

Mr. President, if you would have your name be great, then you must think and behave as a great man would, and that is not to murder the innocent, but rather to fight for the innocent and punish the guilty. Do you think sir that you can lead this people into safety and prosperity and not promote true judgment? If you do sir, then you are only "blowing smoke", which is a common thing for a politician to do, but it will not earn you God's favor, nor bring this nation into God's blessing. I warn you sir, you can not please men and God both, you need to make up your mind whose team you are on. For I assure you, no murderer, nor murderous nation will inherit eternal life, nor have God's blessing in this present life.


  • Exodus 20:13---(NKJV) You shall not murder.
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NKJV) Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, no adulterers, no homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioner will inherit the kingdom of God. (and I will add one to the list, the murders of the unborn of the world)
  • 1 John 2:22 (NKJV) But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going for the darkness has blinded him. (such are all that who murder the unborn)
  • 1 John 3:7 (NKJV) Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning... (murder of the unborn is sin Mr. President, and America)
  • 1 John 3:14 (NKJV) We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. (to kill your neighbor (unborn or born) without lawful justification is not to love him)
  • 1 John 3:20 (NKJV) If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does no love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? (Look on the web, you can find pictures of the little ones you murder. Some burned with salt, others chopped to pieces, others who brains are sucked out so that they can be drug from the womb. I tell you Mr. President and America, they are real, and the corpses testify against you Mr. President, and the U.S. Supreme Court, and you America, for you have sanctioned their murder)

A Watchman

Egypt Current Events

The winter months in Egypt have various festivities and carnivals including Christmas, New Year, and winter food fests. Several events take place throughout the months of November and December in Egypt every year. Be a part of these Egyptian festivals and events and experience some of the wondrous moments of your life. Egypt current events in focus on cultural, social, and religious events to take place in November and December 2010. The dance and music festivals offer evenings full of fun and entertainment across the country.

The Spinx Festival represents the folklore dance in Cairo city of Egypt. It would take place in Swiss Club, Imbaba premises for five days beginning 1st December 2010. The schedule includes range of seminars, workshops, lectures, and musical art works. It will allow the visitors to know more about Egyptian folk dances, songs, and contemporary music. The cultural events encourage participation in the dance performances to preserve the cultural heritage of the country. Each event would have 60 participants. The event's website can be referred for reviews on last year's celebrations. Your December trip to this Spinx Festival will make your travel worthwhile.

The trade fairs and exhibitions also forms a major part of the popular Egypt events. Many fairs are of international standards as well. Stone Gate Egypt is one such exhibition drawing tourists. The event Stone Gate Egypt will begin on November 9, 2010 and will end on 12 November, 2010. Egypt's natural stone industry and its products is the main highlight of the exhibition. People related to the field of constructions, interior designing, mining, and archaeological would enjoy this exhibitions. Make your way to the Cairo International Convention and Exhibition Centre for the show.

Egypt also has vibrant movie and media industry and several Egyptian directors have created Hollywood and Italian films for years. The local theaters screen films in various languages catering to international tourists. The Cairo Film Festival, December 2010 is an upcoming movie extravaganza that would bring in several superstars to the city. If you are a movie lover, you cannot miss any of the shows from November 30- December 10, 2010. Spanish and African movies will be screened in the "Black Pearl" section. The movies would revolve around poverty in Third World countries, African forests, and ethnic conflicts in modern era.

Scientific Current Events - New Discoveries

The life of human beings is being influenced everyday by the fast-paced actions made in science. However, many individuals are "scientifically illiterate" due to a concern of science or a mentality that science is not directly related to their lives or very difficult to understand. Scientific current events are being done all over the world for various reasons. Some may result in good but some may in bad! However, to safeguard the life of human beings and other living beings and to improve our life, these events are inevitable.

The discovery of the missing link for the origin of comets by a team of astronomers is one of the astonishing discoveries. This team includes Brett Gladman, an astronomer from the University of British Columbia, who has discovered an unusual object whose inverse and inclined orbit around the Sun may elucidate the origins of some comets.

Another important scientific event is the discovery of "gene enhancer" by some scientists. This gene enhancer, recognized as HACNS1, may have imparted to the evolution of the unambiguously opposable human thumb, and perhaps modifications in the foot or ankle that facilitate human beings to walk on two legs.

The researchers from TAU create new stem cell screening tool. The researches on stem cell are the next great leap in the field of medicine. In future, new cells and tissues grown in a laboratory could substitute a failing heart, or novel cells take the place of the injured cells in the brain.

The studies by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reveals how new helium-ion microscope works. Just as test pilots push planes to inquire into their limits, researchers at NIST are examining the most novel microscope technology further to improve measurement exactness at the nano-scale level.

Fatty acid synthase of mammals is one of the most complicated molecular synthetic machines in the cells of human beings. It is also an assuring target for developing anti-obesity and anti-cancer drugs and for mending metabolic disorders.

The researchers from ISU have mapped the first genome sequence of plant-parasitic nematode. Many plant-parasitic nematodes exist in the world; however, only few are responsible for damaging agricultural crops globally (loss of about $157 billion every year).

The most recent scientific event is the "big bang" test done in Geneva in September 10, 2008. This is the world's largest particle collider. Many scientists from all over the world have involved in this research. It took almost 20 years to complete and conduct the first test. Almost 3.76 billion euros, that is approximately equal to 5.46 billion US dollars, have been spent for this research. This is one of the most complex and costliest scientific experiments ever attempted. The result of this research about big bag will answer us how Earth and other heavenly bodies were evolved.

News And Current Affairs

Gone are the days when the only source of getting news and current affairs was through the newspaper or at best the radio. Technology has progressed at such a rapid pace that there is a plethora of different media through which you can hear and see the news stories and current events on the move. Also, at the very moment some of these events might be taking place at the other end of the world. The numerous media channels include television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and the mobile phone.

Article Directories

Besides providing the latest news on several websites, the Internet also provides article directories. These article directories give us the news regarding any topic under the sun along with expert comments and detailed analysis. These topics may include politics, sports, share market, and the current hot topics such as the recession, and many more. Articles regarding these topics are published daily to provide the latest news and an insight into the implications of the different news and current affairs.

Through these article directories, authors and promoters get a platform to showcase their views with the potential of being read by millions of people around the world. On the other side, visitors to the article directories websites get an opportunity to become aware of the latest news and current affairs. They can read the views of the authors regarding the same.

Article Marketing

Apart from projecting the latest news, article directories also provide opportunities for internet marketing professionals to submit articles for the purpose of article marketing. These articles provide information regarding the products and services. They use the website of the article directory with a view to informing the reader about their own site through the backlinks. This process of article marketing is an effective, fast, and convincing method of driving traffic toward the website of the internet marketer. The articles should be of high quality and should convey pertinent knowledge and experience regarding the products or services to impress the reader by the content. In order to gain further knowledge, the reader will the follow the backlink and visit the website of the internet marketer and might become a potential customer. This is exactly what is required to increase traffic and to gain more customers.

Most article directories offer free content. As such, webmasters use their sites to collect the free content and add the same to their own websites or blogs. Moreover, this content can be republished on different websites, provided the original links are preserved in the article and the original article author retains the credit. Circulating the article through a number of other websites will automatically increase the traffic to the website of the internet marketer.

Article directories also have a network of informational sites. This network enables any news and current affairs article or any article that is published on one website to be published on other websites of the network. The condition is just that the editors should find the content appropriate. Article marketing is a powerful tool for internet marketers. It is also very useful for search engine optimization in order to get a higher search engine ranking.

Events and Entertainment in Dublin

Dublin is a cosmopolitan city having never-ending potentials for the provision of round the clock entertainment and fun to its tourist. The reason behind this is its electrifying entertaining attitude and a long list of events happening every next day. Dublin is the capital city and is the centre of entertainment and amusement in Ireland. The cheerful Dubliners believe in "If you're not having fun... what are you having". Entertainment is something they live for. Just think about any branch of entertainment and you will definitely find it in Dublin-Theatres, cinemas, festivals, exhibitions, bars, clubs, concerts, comedy, and sports. Let's talk about each one of these one by one:

Dublin Cinema

The cinema in Dublin is a fascinating instrument to entertain locals and visitors at low costs. The magic and magnetism of the silver screen inspires everyone. Cinema is not only a source of entertainment but it also plays an influential role in the education of children and teenagers. When in comes to building up a healthy society the cinema can offer and accomplish much in this regard. Dublin hosts its own international film festival every year. Dublin cinema gives its spectator a complete parcel of action, romance, thrill, adventure and fun.

Dublin Theatre

Dublin has a flourishing theatre scene. Theatre is a form of performing arts which benefits a city with the flair of creativity. The young Dubliners are interested to attend concerts and music events. Theater is a part of Irish culture. Theaters play the role of acting schools. The Irish actors make their money through movies, but earn reputations by working on the stage.
The theater has always been seen as a national amusement activity. Each year around October The Dublin Theater Festival and Fringe Festival are arranged to quench the thirst of drama and arts lovers. Dublin is an extraordinarily lively theater town; major names in Dublin Theatre include the world-famous Abbey Theater, the Gaeity Theater, Civic Theatre, The Liberty Hall Centre, The Pavilion and The Lambert Puppet Theatre. The Abbey is said to be the jewel in the crown of Dublin Theater, It presents productions of works by Irish playwrights in past and present.

Dublin Comedy

"Laughter is the best medicine." Laughter is exceptionally significant for a person's mental health. American cardiologist Dr. William Fry says a good laugh is like a mini workout and 100-200 laughs are equivalent to 10 minutes of jogging or rowing. It makes you feel good, gets your blood circulating, and makes you happy. It is a gift that you can pass it on to other people. Dublin has many offers of comedy shows that will make u laugh until your tummy gets tight.

Comedy in Dublin has grown to be a very well-liked type of entertainment over the last few years. You can find the best Irish comedic talent in Dublin. Dublin is also home to a number of big comedy clubs.

Dublin Sports

Dublin has a lot of stuff for sport lovers. Dublin presents a wealth of sports to its people and visitors. Dublin is recognized as the home of the world's best golf courses. Golf is an individual sport. . The golf courses in Dublin can surely be marked as magnificent places for golf lovers to spend their holidays with fun and etiquettes. Dublin offers a number of world famous golf courses to play. Almost all of these courses are appropriate for beginners and experts both. The ideal time to play and to enjoy golf on the soil of Ireland is in the summer season.

Dublin is fairly known for its high breed horses and thrilling race-courses. These world class race-courses provide entertainment and exercise to the riders and the spectators. Horse racing is a popular historical game of Dublin, now it has become a great business as well.

Greyhound racing is an electrifying spectator sport and a multi-million money industry. It was introduced in Ireland in 1927 and since the day it was started it is growing. Today, this sport has become an essential part of the lives of millions of people. In the world of Greyhound Racing, Dublin holds its own identity.

There are a lot of other games like Hurling, Rugby, soccer, Gaelic football, water sport, cycling, angling and hiking. The shoreline of Dublin Bay always welcomes visitors and locals for windsurfing, sailing and fishing. The lush green magnificent mountains around the city receive the hikers whole heartedly to enjoy their walks in tranquil atmosphere. This place also invites bicyclers. The attitude of this city is warm and friendly for those who are interested in work outs. This is why we see that Dublin's calendar is full of sporting events whole year round.

Dublin Casino

The heart beat of Dublin night life lays in casinos. Casinos can be found without difficulty all over the city, offering excitement, thrill, suspense and the passion to win. Casinos is Dublin can be called boxes of tricks presenting a diversity of gaming options, including slots, and video poker machines. The Casino Marino is the best known casino is Dublin. The interior of the Casino is entirely decorated with ornate plasterwork and richly decorated ornate floors. Casinos in Dublin ensure that you are going to have a night of absolute enthusiasm and amusement.

Dublin Clubbing

Lights, music, drink and dance is all what makes a club popular. Clubs come to life after dusk and these are associated with hanging out and high tones of music. Dublin club scene has everything you are looking for to spend a dynamic weekend; the perfect milieu, shacking music, rocking DJs and energetic crowd in the dark. There is a long queue of the clubs, bars, pubs and taverns in the electrifying city of Dublin with funky interiors, crazy lights, smoke machines and dance floors. So go to a nightclub, be a party animal and let the madness overcome you.

Dublin Exhibitions

Dublin is ready to entertain and electrify you with its resourceful exhibitions. Dublin hosts a number of exhibitions all year round. These exhibitions of great artistic work can surely mesmerize you with the quality of products and crafts displayed. Exhibitions are the best way to demonstrate and present any thing to its target audience. Dublin calendar is filled with the various exhibitions happening in the city including exhibition of paintings, book exhibitions, performing arts exhibitions, film exhibitions and flower exhibitions.

Dublin Festivals

Come and Get Rocked. Rhythmic melodies, enchanting fireworks, arty street theatres, joyful dances and the fancy parades are part of some of the festive activities in Dublin. The majestic capital city of Ireland, Dublin brings an extensive series of festivals to entertain its people and to glorify the environment like book fairs, fun fairs, food festivals, fashion festivals, film festivals and many more. If you want to treat yourself with a Christmas celebration, a New Year party, St. Patrick's Day or any other event, then come to Dublin next time. The electrifying celebrations will be there to amuse you.

Dublin has a never ending list of celebrations and joys. So if you are planning to spend your next holiday season in the wonderful city of Dublin just go to Dublin Events before you make a vacation plan. The Dublin Events team has categorized all the major entertainment spots and events in Dublin only for your comfort and convenience.

Book Your Event Without Breaking the Bank

Times are tough for businesses and, as a result, many event and meeting budgets have been cut. A common reaction is to cut all company functions for fear you can't accomplish similar results without the budgets of years past. By thinking creatively, it is possible to have extremely successful meetings and events and still stay within new financial guidelines.

Do some of the scenarios below sound familiar?

You've got an important sales meeting to plan but you're concerned about fitting everything into your budget. Can you afford hotel rooms, business meals and your meeting space?

Company morale is low and you want to plan a fun activity for your employees but it is essential to incorporate
productivity as well. Can you accomplish both?

Picnic season is right around the corner. You had to cancel last year's summer event due to the country's economic situation. Are there some creative things you can do to bring back the event this year?

Here are some suggestions to help keep events in your 2009 company agenda, but
continue to be conscientious of costs.

Themed Locations - By utilizing a restaurant, hotel or event location that has a theme already built in, you can create the atmosphere you are looking for without going overboard on décor. Our Southern California geography is ideal for tropical-themed resorts and hotels that lend themselves to beach-themed events, luaus and festive but casual menus. If you are looking for something cutting edge or high-tech, many of the nightclubs in the area provide excellent backdrops. Most already have state-of-the-art lighting, sound systems and video capabilities built-in. Other ideas include Italian restaurants, retro-bowling alleys, wineries and yachts.

Close Proximity & Affordable Parking - Help reduce your transportation costs by selecting a location close to your offices. Your employees will appreciate you have kept their travel to a minimum as it saves on time and auto expenses. Additionally, be sure to ask your selected location about their parking options. Many venues either offer free parking or a discounted rate as you negotiate your contract with them.

Keep Everything in One Location - If your out-of-town guests are staying at a hotel, talk with your contact about the benefits of having meals and meetings at the hotel. There may be discounted pricing available if you have the majority of your functions on property. If you desire to have meals elsewhere, cut expenses by choosing restaurants within walking distance or that are a short car or cab ride away.

Combine Meetings with Teambuilding - Having a company outing doesn't mean you need to forego all productivity. When planning an activity or teambuilding event, talk to the location about utilizing the facilities as a meeting venue. With the correct space, you can hold a meeting in the morning and then easily transition to a fun afternoon activity. Ideas include cooking classes, yacht excursions, bowling, wine tasting, golf outings and scavenger hunts.

Stay In - If heading out of the office isn't in the cards, bring the food and fun to your offices. Caterers are experts in working with you to coordinate everything from simple food delivery options to extravagant affairs. Take advantage of the one-stop-shopping a caterer can provide. Most full-service caterers can provide multiple levels of service including food and beverages, servers, rentals, décor and entertainment.

Date Flexibility - When talking with your location or vendors, ask about any "hot dates" or days they can offer you better incentives. The more flexibility you have in booking the event, the more likely you are to get a better deal. Keep in mind that weekdays and weeknights can often be less expensive than weekend dates. Each location, of course, has different availability. Ask your contact which dates they can offer you the best rates.

Talk to Multiple Vendors - As you do your initial research, talk to multiple locations and vendors that may be able to meet your needs. This will give you a feel for each location's availability, pricing and willingness to work with you, your budget and your desired outcome. Once you have selected the ideal vendor for your current event, be sure to keep the contact information for the other locations and event service providers that you enjoyed working with as they can become a great starting point for your next event.

Before you start planning your next meeting, party or company outing, establish the objectives of your event as well as your estimated budget. Once you have your preliminary information, utilize the techniques above to create your ideal event while keeping costs in line.

Get A Dose Of Current Events On The Internet

The internet has greatly influenced the way people derive information today. It used to be that there was only a small percentage of the population using the internet. But because of its ease of use, it has become the main research device for most people. The internet not only appeals to the technological savvy of the younger generation but has now extended its influence to the older folks. People now prefer to use the internet over newspapers, magazines and books because it provides a fast and extensive access to a variety of information. By the input of a few keywords in search engines, you will be able to find the information you are looking for at a multitude of sites available online.

The growing population of online users has become a perfect breeding ground for the online access of current events. Available only incidentally as an added feature in many search engines, a significant number of online users now tap online local news and world news posted with search engines such as Yahoo and Google.

For many internet users, weather information tops their list of interests, followed by a rundown of pertinent politics and international news. Men regularly read political, sports, business and international news items online while women focus more on local news. Both men and women have a shared interested in weather, science and health, and entertainment news items.

Online news is slowly altering the global communications landscape with the availability of news online and the adoption of this technology as an alternative to conventional tri-media devices.